RCMP Invasion of We’suwet’en Territory Breach of Rule of Law

Episode 33, is based on an article I wrote for Canadian Dimension Magazine back in April about Canada’s so-called “rule of law” invasions of our territories. Specially, we are talking about the RCMP invasion of Wet’suwet’en Nation territory back in January 2019.

This is an especially important incident because it can and will happen again. The bitterly ironic thing about this incident is that the RCMP and federal government defended the action as though it was supported by Canada’s “rule of law”. But in fact, their acts are prime examples of breaches Canada’s ‘rule of law’.

Here is the link to the article I referenced that was in Canadian Dimension Magazine:

Here is a link to my book: Indigenous Nationhood: Empowering Grassroots Citizens, which is a collection of shorter blogs which cover some of the issues raised in this podcast:

Here is a link to a new textbook on “radical politics” where I have a chapter on Indigenous resistance politics:

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Note: The information contained in this podcast is not legal, financial or medical advice, nor should it be relied on as such.

If you would like more information about these issues, you can check out my website at http://www.pampalmater.com

Thank you all for your ongoing support!

Photo credit: This is the photo that accompanied my article in Canadian Dimension Magazine and was taken by Amber Bracken.