Gord Hill on Native Resistance

In Episode 49, we talk to native warrior, artist and author Gord Hill, who comes from the Kwakwaka’wakw Nation in BC. He is a well-known grassroots native activist and his artwork and writings have been published in various outlets including Briarpatch, Canadian Dimension magazine and Red Rising magazine. Today he talks to us about the importance of native resistance and solidarity with other social movements to effect real social change.

For those of you who follow my Youtube series called Reconciliation Book Club, you’ll recall that we reviewed on his books: 500 Years of Indigenous Resistance.

Here is the link to buy his book:

In addition to that book, he also was the author and illustrator for two comic books: “500 yrs of Indigenous Resistance Comic Book” published in 2010:

And “The Anti-Capitalist Resistance Comic” book originally published in 2012, both by Arsenal Pulp Press:

Gord also suggested that we all read the book: Agents of Repression: The FBI’s Secret Wars Against the Black Panther Party and the American Indian Movement (Classics Edition) for more information:

As promised, here are the links to the Gitdimt’en Yintah Access website:

And the Unist’ot’en Camp supporter toolkit for those who want to offer support, including the official link for donations:

If you would like to help me keep my content independent, please consider supporting my work at Patreon:

Note: The information contained in this podcast is not legal, financial or medical advice, nor should it be relied on as such.

Nothing in this podcast advocates for violence on Indigenous territories.

If you would like more information about these issues, you can check out my website at https://www.pampalmater.com

Thank you all for your ongoing support!

Photo credit: Gord Hill