Today’s podcast is the first for 2022 – Happy New Year everyone! This podcast is from a keynote I did for Atlantic Policy Congress of First Nations Chiefs (APC) for the Atlantic Indigenous Health Conference held in March 2021.
I have dedicated this episode to my cousin Candy Palmater who passed away unexpectedly on Christmas morning. She left a powerful legacy of love and compassion for our peoples. She wanted us to remember to love ourselves as we are and be the soft place to fall for our relatives so deeply traumatized by genocide.
At the time, I didn’t know that my cousin Candy would be chairing the conference, so it was such a nice surprise I saw her face and heard her voice. It was hard not to get emotional when she introduced me, but it was the end of the keynote that I will always remember.
So, here is the my keynote lecture, q and a session and the conversation I had at the end with my sweet cousin Candy.
You can also find ways to honour her at Honour Candy Palmater:
Candy’s website with more information about her and her work:
Candy’s YouTube Channel:
YouTube video version of this episode:
FOLLOW ME ON IG @pam_palmater
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Please note: Nothing in this podcast advocates for violence on Indigenous territories.
Please also note: The information contained in this podcast should not be misconstrued as legal, financial or medical advice, nor should it be relied on as such. This podcast/video represents fair political comment.